I’m so excited to link up with Sheaffer & Shay!
This post is where I will tell you about a variety of things about what we are up to, what we are cooking, what we are looking forward to, etc.
This post comes out on the last Wednesday of each month. I hope you enjoy it!
1 | What we’re eating this week
This week’s Meal-Plan!

Recipe posts from this past month:
Summer Corn Chowder
Roasted Brussels Sprouts & Pancetta Pasta
Spicy Beefy Rice Bowls
Slow-Cooker Chicken & Rice Soup
This memory came up on Facebook and it made me so happy. My social media announcement for being pregnant with Tyler!
“I have a SECRET….”

“I’m going to be a BIG BROTHER!” Luke was beyond excited to have a brother soon.

It’s a BOY!!!

I recently came across these gems…

We made these at the beginning of the school year for Luke’s preschool classes. I sure did had fun making them.

Our newly painted home!!

Kid Sport Activities!

Luke is LOVING Flag Football this season and it’s so much FUN to watch him play!

Tyler’s first season of playing soccer and being on a sports team! He’s so focussed during practices and games and it’s been fun watching him grow in his skills.

Luke (#7) is improving so much in soccer. It’s fun to watch your kid fall in love with a sport.
Quality Family Time

We recently went to Boomers where we miniature golfed and played games in the arcade. Love having FUN with my boys!
Time with my boys
Hanging out with each of my boys alone has been needed and so good for us. Life is busy and I’m determined to carve out time with both of them.

Starbucks date with Luke.

Cooking with Tyler.
Hmmm, I have a dentist appointment tomorrow that I’m not looking forward to, lol
Getting ready for the Fall!

Check out my post, “All Things Falling into Halloween” it covers everything to get you into the Fall mood!
Loved this quote that rings so true here in California….

Other things I’m working on includes assisting in my boys homework everyday. I do like that it keeps us intentional on reading together daily.
I just ordered my boys holiday clothes for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I know it’s a little early but for the holidays I like them to match so the earlier I order, the better options I have in finding clothes in both their sizes. And I purchased everything on sale which makes me VERY happy.
I’m currently working on figuring out Halloween costumes, which is exciting. I’m always working on being consistent in working out 4-5 days a week and now that the boys are in school this is getting easier to achieve.
I’m also working on figuring out some new fall recipes to cook and I may even put in some baking to do this Fall too. Other than that I love working on my blog. It fills the creative part of my soul and it brings me joy.
I’m excited to do all the Fall things with family and friends! Let’s take a trip down memory lane…that’s always fun!

Tyler (8 months & Luke 5) 2016

Tyler’s first Halloween….I mean cuteness overload! 2016









My bestie, Megs is opening her own Lagree fitness studio soon (so freakin proud of all her hard work) I will tell you more about her awesome studio later. We’re making the effort to consistently meet up once a week to hang out. Our hangouts pretty much include a hike and getting food afterwards. It’s been just what this mama has needed, to get in some exercise outside, spend time with a friend where the friendship is life giving to me, and enjoy a meal that is not prepared by yours truly.

This hike was in Newport coast and the views were gorgeous!

Everyone needs a their ride or die friend and I’m so thankful for mine!


Ohh this show makes me so happy and even makes me cry sometimes too. It has great comic relief and has me laughing out loud constantly. Ted’s character is great, you can’t help but love him. Well done AppleTV+.

Again, well done AppleTV+, they are getting me to want to purchase their streaming service after my free trial ends. Gosh, all the streaming places we need to have in order to be able to watch all the good shows nowadays is getting ridiculous. They know we are suckers but I tell ya both of these shows are great! I mean anything with Reese Witherspoon sign me up. I love Jennifer Aniston but not all of her work is great but she is great in the Morning Show. If you haven’t seen these two shows go do yourself a favor and sign up for free trial with AppleTV+ and watch them!

Ok, this show is a gem! It is made in Spanish and you can switch it to be in English. However, I recommend watching it with subtitles so their mouths match their words. It’s an action packed show and a fun one to watch with your spouse, it’s so good.
Malibu Rising
This fun book is one that I enjoy reading on a slow afternoon. I like to go to the nook in my bedroom, lounge on my chase lounge and put a blanket over me and get lost in a book. Books like these don’t take me long to read…just ask my husband lol. I’m a little crazy with non-fiction books, I get very into them and once I start its pretty much the only thing I will do in my spare time until I finish. Sometimes I want to savor a book more and take my time but my personality gets a little compulsive when I get really into a book. Due to this trait of mine, I usually have to take breaks in-between reading these kinds of books, lol
Growing Boldly
This book is one I enjoy reading in the morning. In the mornings over my HOT cup of coffee, right after the boys leave for school. I write in my gratitude journal and then I read a few pages or up to a chapter of a non-fiction or self-help book. This has been a consistent habit for a while now and I look forward to it every morning.
I love Kilee Nickels. I love her company that makes some of my favorite earrings @nickelandsuede . She started a podcast to help inspire women and encourages them to be their best. Her podcast episodes are short and sweet and I find lots of useful nuggets to hold onto. She’s a great authentic person and mama and excellent on fashion too. Highly recommend checking her out on Instagram @kileenickels!
Sleeveless Halter Tank Top
This is an amazon find and will only cost you $22! I thought it would be perfect paired with jeans as a good staple for the fall weather season.
I haven’t purchased any other clothes right now because I’ve been focussed on our home. Soon I’ll be figuring out holiday clothes but for fall and winter apparel, I feel pretty good with what I have…I try to practice being content with what I have and tell myself to go shopping in my closet, lol
Sports, sports and sports! LOL Besides kid sports, we are going out on a duffy boat that my Aunt Diane just purchased in Newport Harbor. It will be fun to see my brother & sister-in-law Colleen, my parents, my cousin Whitney and for all the cousins to hang out together. Then of course we will have our weekly family fun night of pizza and a movie with our boys. I always meal-plan, do some self-care and work on my blog too. I also want to dive more into my new book Malibu Rising!
I’m looking forward to taking my boys to the pumpkin patch, probably Pumpkin City because they have rides and games. I have my college best friend, Jenny in town visiting from Arizona. I’m taking a Masterclass on How to Teach Kids Money. I’m looking forward to continuing to watch my boys play soccer and football and then of course Halloween. I think we are going to have a pot lock dinner with families in our neighborhood and then all go trick-or-treating together. Ohh I’m looking into taking our family to Knott’s Scary Farm!
Yup, bring on the cheese, I love me some Hallmark movie entertainment during the holiday months. Their movies make me all warm and cozy inside and very happy!

Thanks for reading along today! If you don’t already I would love for you to follow along and connect with me on instagram @momwithaplan.
I’m belatedly catching up on my What’s Up Wednesday reading 🙂 I’m starting to get excited about watching Hallmark movies. I haven’t watched many yet this fall but hopefully we’ll get colder, movie watching weather soon!
Yes, I agree! The weather is starting to change here at least a few days out of the week and definitely crisper mornings. I haven’t watched any Hallmark movies yet either. We should take a look because there is usually a few good Fall ones.