Happy Friday friends!! This past week was a busy and productive one, so cheers to the weekend!
Side note: Next Tuesday I leave on a girls trip to Cabo!!! I’m so excited and nervous at the same time, probably on par for being a mom. I’m happy that my bestie Megs aka hustleandbliss and I scheduled and made the time to take this fun & relaxing trip together. However, I’m nervous because Jay is busy at work, he’s taking on my duties while I’m away and when I scheduled it, I didn’t realize my parents would be out of town the entire time, whoops! Big shout-out to my amazing husband that didn’t hesitate to say, “I should go”, when I brought up going on this girls trip. FYI tho…it didn’t hurt that he’s going on a guys trip in August, lol! At any rate, I will only be posting on Monday of next week.
Alright, let’s get down to our FAVORITES for the week….
RAO’s Red Sause

Do you ever wonder which brand has the least amount of sugar added into the sauce?? Look no further, it’s RAO’s sauce and the flavor is great too, which makes this my new FAVORITE pasta sauce. They have a good white sauce too.
Tyler’s Life Book

Tyler is on a roll with his creativity lately and it’s a FAVORITE!

He decided he wanted to write and illustrate a book on his life, LOVE it!
Another Tooth Lost for Luke

I didn’t know that the 10 year old mark was another big year to lose the rest of your baby teeth. It has me thinking how he’s this big grown man child full of adult teeth. Motherhood I tell ya, I’m getting sad when he loses a tooth now, what an emotional ride!!
Working in Tyler’s Kindergarten Classroom

I loved working in Mr. T’s classroom and putting names to faces and meeting all his school buddies. I worked with groups of 4 at a time and helped them assemble their sunflowers. They are learning all about plants right now. I walked around the classroom and helped with a sight word activity and started to help with a butterfly activity. I visited with his teacher during recess and it was so nice to get to know her better. It was pure happiness and a FAVORITE of the week! I will be working in his classroom every week until school gets out for the summer!!
Teacher Appreciation Week

This week is teacher appreciation week and boy do I appreciate all the very hard working teachers out there. Teacher’s are the everyday hero’s, they pour so much of their own time and money into our kiddos. I love that our PTA and room moms did an awesome job at spoiling the staff this week. I like to contribute too like with these gifts pictured above (notebook in their favorite color and a variety pack of great pens), the boys wrote hand-written notes, brought in treats, and gave them a gift card to Amazon. I hope all the teachers out there felt the love this week!
FAVORITES from this past weekend
Practicing Baseball

A FAVORITE was seeing Jason and Luke help Tyler with his baseball skills. Tyler hit several balls and seeing his newfound confidence was awesome!
Birthday Party

Jason and I had fun joining in at a friends birthday party with our boys. It was Luke’s football coach’s son, Dylan’s 9th b-day.

Their backyard is goals for sure! To the left of the pool is a half court basketball court and it was heaven for all these kids.

This cool guy took a little bit to feel comfortable at the party but….

nothing a water slide can’t fix, it’s the perfect way to get the fun rolling!

Familiar good friends help too!

Luke on the other hand brings the FUN where ever he goes!

The music was playing loud, the food and drinks were delicious and I think this party got all of us excited for the summertime!
Date Night

I’m going out of town next week and wanted to squeeze in a date night. We went out to dinner at Hendrix’s in Laguna Niguel. The restaurant specializes in rotisserie meats and is always a yummy meal.
The Food

For our appetizer we had the Seared Yellowfin Tuna Sashimi and it was a FAVORITE!

I had the Hendrix salad and it hit the spot!

Jason feasted on a Rotisserie chicken and potatoes.

Cinepolis movie theatre was conveniently in the same center as Hendrix restaurant. We watched Everything Everywhere All at Once and nope it wasn’t for me. I like and enjoy sci-fi and different interpretations on super natural and multi-level universes but I found this movie to be very chaotic. It lacked character building and plot development and well I fell asleep several times throughout it. I don’t typically fall asleep in movies either, lol!
Spa Day

This past week I cashed on an early Mother’s Day gift and got a facial at the Spa at The Laguna Cliffs Resort and it was a FAVORITE! After the winter season I always feel like my face needs a reset from the dryness of winter and it felt rejuvenating and refreshing! I feel like my make up goes on smoother and going to the spa is always a FAVORITE!
In Case you missed it….
Spring Break Staycation in San Diego
Happy Mother’s Day, Mama’s!!
Happy Mother’s Day to all the hard-working loving moms out there. What ever stage you are in of motherhood just know you are appreciated and are doing the best you can. I hope you get some free time to relax and enjoy your special day!
We’re headed to my Aunt Diane’s in Newport Beach to enjoy brunch, a duffy boat ride and fun in the pool. Jason is planning on cooking me a steak dinner and I plan on relaxing with my little people at nighttime while being thankful that they made me a mama.
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