Hey friends! Whoa…I’ve been missing in action for a hot minute, sorry about that!
2022 has been full of ups and downs that have led to my blog not being updated consistently… please don’t give up on me yet!
Let’s take a look at what the Gimeno family has been up to lately and I’ll explain some updates along the way.
A season full of COLDS!

Kindergarten germs are no joke! We didn’t have many colds the previous year so maybe our immune systems are making up for lost time?!?! At least one person in our family has been sick every week since the new year. It’s been an exhausting season of life and this little cutie is the main one that picks it up first. Thankfully, we are on a two week streak right now of no colds and are finally catching our breath!
New Job Opportunity!

I’m selling solar and it has put a big smile on my face. I’m SO excited and thankful that this opportunity came my way and at the perfect time! I’ve been wanting a side job that was fulfilling yet not so time consuming it would interfere with my mom job and I found it!
We’re a family that loves having solar and guess what, we used this company, EcoForce Solutions 7 years ago when we got it!! They’re a great company to work with and I’m pumped to be apart of their team. I have always loved doing sales and this is the perfect job for me! Woohoo!!
Date Nights & The Beard

We all know that date nights are so important especially during these crazy seasons of life in raising kiddos. On this date, Jason and I enjoyed dining in at the new mission hotel in San Juan at Ysidora, where we enjoyed Spanish tapas with our friends.
It’s been 4 years since the beard made an appearance on Jason. And look, here’s the deal, does he look handsome, absolutely BUT will I ever get used to loving to kiss him with a beard??? Nope, I’ve tried my best to get used to it but it’s a hard NO for me. I’m sorry to all the beard loving people out there but I will never love it, it’s like making out with a bear. But I’m letting the beard have it’s moment of fun, however, sadly it will not be making an appearance every year, so don’t get used to it, lol I love you babe š
Life Lately as a family

On this beautiful day we went to Dana Point Harbor where we enjoyed family time while completing a school project for Luke.

Luke had a report on Richard Henry Dana.

I mean, look at this view!! It never gets old.

Nice work, Luke!
Family Walks

We’re loving the longer days with more sunlight. We’ve enjoyed going on family walks after dinner several nights a week.

Capturing sweet moments like this one makes my mama heart so happy!
St. Patty’s Day

Jason and I both have Irish running through our blood. We love celebrating St. Patty’s day!

Any excuse for a surprise trip to get ice cream is a good day!
Swallows Day Parade

Gosh, I love our cute little city with all it’s small town charm. Swallows Day is a big deal in San Juan Capistrano and we loved watching the parade and seeing our community come together.

We had great seats while watching the parade. We were with my parents and some of their friends. And we enjoyed watching it from the patio of L’Hirondelle restaurant.
Life Lately with Tyler

Look who graduated from no longer being in a car seat?!?! My baby is getting older and bigger!
Tyler’s Youtube Channel – Tyler Plays!

Tyler was dying to be a You-tuber and his sweet daddy has made his dreams come true. You can find his channel HERE and he’d LOVE it if you hit that subscribe button! His channel has a variety from him playing Roblox & Minecraft with his dad and brother, to doing science experiments and playing hide ‘n’ seek with his cousins, and Lego building. He loves making videos and guess who is editing those videos after a long day??? Only the best dad in the world. Watching them bond over this special time together has made my mama heart very happy.

Tyler is playing his first season with coach pitch little league and he’s on the Pirates team. Not gonna lie, we’ve had some struggles this season with baseball not being his favorite. Luke and Jason have been putting in extra effort in each week to help Tyler and his hitting skills. There’s been some tears but he’s working though it and trying his best and that’s all we ask for.
Chef Tyler

Chef Tyler has continued to work hard in the kitchen, while working on his culinary skills.
Tyler’s 6th Birthday Party at Pump It Up!

Best Buddies!

The birthday Crew!

His birthday party had a Lego theme because he’s a master builder.

Love my boy SO much!

My baby is so loved and he’s now a big 6 year old! All of these gifts were from his friends…lucky boy!
Life Lately with Luke

When this big kid isn’t playing Madden NFL 22 or his Oculus or reading, he is playing sports and running around with his buddies. The Patriots are killing it this season with an almost undefeated record of 6-1. His football skills have improved so much this year and we are so proud of him. Luke has a great team full of his buddies and an amazing coach. It’s been a fun season to watch him play a sport he LOVES!
A Walk Through California

This was a fun production to get to see for Luke’s 4th grade class. A company comes in and runs the program where the kids have rehearsed parts, they play a game and its very interactive as they learn the history of CA. Luke had to memorize parts and answer questions in front of an audience and he did an awesome job!
Grandma and Papi Visit

Jason’s parents arrived from Florida just in time to make Tyler’s birthday party and to enjoy a long weekend together. They’re about to make Grandma’s delicious chocolate chip cookies!
Friend Parties

This spider-man pool party got everyone excited for Summer!

This was a first for Luke and he LOVED it! He went paintballing with his football coach and some buddies from his team. He had a blast!
Life lately has been a full and busy season and we don’t plan on slowing down anytime soon. We have a few trips coming up in the next few months. In the meantime, I’m going to soak up these last few moments of the school year. It feels good to be back but I will be on a more modified posting schedule as I settle into my new job and soak up all travel memories we are about to make. I hope you will join along with me for the ride.
Thanks for reading along with me today and I hope life is treating you well!
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