This is a post where I choose a day at random and document our day. I love reading these types of posts because I find it fascinating to see how people do life and what happens throughout their day.
I documented a random day in October and it ended up falling on a pretty busy and eventful day. It was a Thursday during the week leading up to Halloween.

During the week I usually wake up at 7am except for on Thursdays. Jason works from home on Thursdays so he sleeps in a bit and I get the boys moving in the morning before school.
Breakfast Time

Don’t judge the boys watch their ipads while they eat their breakfast. Today on the menu was mini pancakes. Luke had them with nutella and Tyler requested syrup and then each had yogurt and their daily vitamins. They have a kids multi-vitamin gummy and the other one they call the covid vitamin, lol but its a smarty pants vitamin and has Omega 3s, Vitamin D, and Vitamin K.
Morning Coffee
I enjoyed my first cup of coffee while putting in the final touches of the boys lunches. You guys Jason got me the ember 14oz coffee mug and I didn’t even know what I was missing until I stated using this bad boy. It runs off an app and it keeps my coffee hot and at the perfect temperature of 135 degrees. I don’t usually finish my cup by the time I take the boys to school and now when I return back home my coffee is still hot and I’m not rushed drinking it in the morning. It’s a game changer for us mama’s…it is a little costly so it would make for the perfect Christmas or Mother’s Day gift.
School Lunches

I put together the boys lunches the night before. I double check them in the am and add in their water bottle, etc. My boys do have the option of a free lunch at school, but nope they prefer my lunches….lucky me, lol

I head upstairs to make sure they are getting dressed, making their beds, and brushing their teeth and I find Tyler back in bed. He laughs and tells me, “I need to be comfy and cozy right now!” I feel you Mr. Ty, nothing is better than being cozy in bed.
Ready for School

Luke is in 4th grade which means he gets to choose an instrument to learn during music class on Monday & Thursdays. He chose to learn the violin and he’s loving it.

It’s 7:35pm and it’s time to head to school. We normally carpool with our neighbors but on this specific day they were going to school late and didn’t need a ride.

It happens to be Red Ribbon Week at school. Love this signage the PTA made on the fence!
My Morning Routine

Clean morning dishes.

I emptied the dishwasher and reset the kitchen to be cleaned.

While I do this I listened to a podcast called, Weekly Dose of BS…it makes me laugh and I find it entertaining.
Quiet Time

I’m still enjoying my hot cup of coffee while I write in my daily gratitude journal. It helps me reflect on my blessings and it helps set the right tone for having a good attitude.
I like to read a chapter or two of a book too. Right now I’m working my way through Growing Boldly. I’m a fan of Emily Ley, I’ve been purchasing her planners for years now. But I’m enjoying reading her books, they are so beautiful and colorful.

Sections of the book have writing prompts which I appreciate too.

Time to make my second cup of coffee!

I’ve mentioned it before and it’s worth saying again, we love having a Nespresso machine at home. I don’t like taking the time to go and get a yummy quality cup of coffee, so having this machine at home is a luxury and I’m thankful for it everyday.
I mean look at that foam, we love it!

Time to work on my Blog
I edited my post for this recipe on Pumpkin Chili. If you haven’t made this chili yet, I highly recommend it.

I worked on this Friday Favorite post that I was publishing the next morning.
Masterclass: Teach Kids Money

I signed up to take this Masterclass by Maya Corbic. I found her on instagram and we have become internet friends but I also really love what she does. She’s a CPA and helps parents teach kids to become knowledgable on all things money. I think this is a valuable skill that isn’t taught to the masses at school and I plan on making sure my boys are well educated on it.

Her tools are awesome and I plan on investing in her course on how to come up with a plan to teach my boys about money. You can find Maya money.

Click on the link in her bio to sign up to take her free masterclass. I found it to be very helpful and full of good ideas.
Make Bed

This is one of those daily habits that love doing each morning. It sets the tone for the day and makes your bedroom look neat and tidy. Plus I love getting into a nicely made bed at nighttime.
Working Out

Next, I headed to our garage to get my workout done. I started with doing a 1.5 miles on the elliptical.

I’m still enjoying doing the workouts from Faster Way To Fat Loss. I love the variety and each day has a different focus. On this day it was an Upper Body Strength Training workout.

My breakfast is at 11:30am on this day and it so happens to be Jason’s lunch time. Love getting to see my hubs throughout the day.

My breakfast was vanilla overnight oats with blueberries and raspberries topped with almond butter. It’s one of my fave’s and I enjoy this meal a few times every week.
Daily Vitamins

Get dressed and ready for the day

I hang dry a lot of my clothes and Jason’s shirts. So I put the clothes away from drying over night.

Ready to conquer the rest of my day!

I sorted the mail. I’m not one of those people that gets the mail daily. I like to deal with it all at once, so i’ll get it once or twice a week. Then sort: throw away, tend to, or file away. I don’t do piles around my house, I try to only touch things once. I’m not perfect at this but it is a mindful goal of mine and it helps keep the clutter to a minimum.
I worked on my blog some more and then prepare for an earlier lunch. Today the boys have dentist appts and its non stop until dinner so I have to get in my lunch a little earlier. I usually eat lunch around 2pm.
But first….

Here’s where Jason works from home. In our downstairs guest room/ office.
My Lunch

I like this salad kit from Trader Joes. I split it into two servings and add some fresh turkey and 1/2 of an avocado. Sometimes I use a little of the dressing it comes with or I just add a little olive oil and S & P and its delicious.

I also enjoyed this Suja Organic water drink from Trader Joes. It’s called Lemon Ginger Cayenne with Apple Cider Vinegar and it supports Immune Health…sweet!
The Boys return home from school at 2:20pm, they had a snack and I reset the kitchen quickly before we headed out to their dentist appointments.

Their dentist appointments were at 3pm.

Dentist Appointments

Luke went first…no cavities!!

Tyler sat right down and opened his mouth wide, he was ready to get this over with. No cavities for Ty either!

Mama bear waiting…

Luke wanted to take a picture to show what he was fidgeting with while waiting.

Back home for a quick snack before heading back into the car for football practice drop-off.

Luke and Graham were on the Patriots team! Graham’s mom, Meagan is picking them up from practice and taking them straight to the trunk or treat at their school and we will meet up with them.
Snack Time

We were going to have a late dinner so I warmed up a piece of the pumpkin bread I made from earlier in the week….so so good!

Some days I feel like I need to rest my eyes for 10 minutes and this was one of those days. It totally revived me!
Trunk or Treat

Luke with some of his favorite buddies!

The Hulk!

The cars all looked great and were very creatively done each to a theme. Everyone did an awesome job!

Love my boys little school so much! It was a fun night!

It was a easy dinner kind of night. Jason and I tried this Sriracha Shrimp Bowl and it was pretty good! The boys had pizza at the school event.

All the C-A-N-D-Y!!!!

After dinner play
While I reset the kitchen and the downstairs area, Jason heads upstairs for some one-on-one time with Tyler.

Nightly Skin Care Routine

Even though I’m not putting my time into selling BeautyCounter products….I still think they are great clean products!

I started using these pads a few times a week to get some Glycolic Acid into my routine.

Clean face!!
Bedtime Routine
Jason gives Tyler a bath and then Luke takes a shower. Jason then reads a story to Tyler and Luke reads a book for 15-20 mins. This routine starts at 7:45pm and then we both tuck the boys into bed by 8:30pm.

Sometimes I read and most of the time I watch a saved show. I decided to read some of my book, Malibu Rising. It’s good but not great and I’m moving through it slowly, which is not usual for me with books. Jason had some reading to do for work. His company chooses leadership books for the executive team to read and then they have discussions after every few chapters. We were both in bed by 10:15pm and then I read a few blog posts and it was lights out by 11:00pm.
Thanks for reading along today friends, hope you enjoyed taking a peek into our life.
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