Happy Winter Break, friends!

Wow, we’re at the one week mark until Christmas Eve!! I knew this month was going to blow by but it still amazes me how fast life can move when you’re crazy busy.
My blog content has pretty much consisted of our life lately and less of useful content to you and I would like to mention that I will be back on it in the new year. You know that balance us moms are always striving for between home life and work/job well I don’t have it figured out yet either, lol. We’ve been busy this holiday season and I could only keep up with the recaps and Friday Favorites posts. But I can’t wait to push out more variety of content on food, organizing, health + much more in 2022!
Alright, lots of fun favorites this past week…
Jason’s Christmas Work Party

Last Friday, we had a Christmas party at Jason’s work, TechMD. It was fun getting out together to celebrate the season with his work family. They catered in bbq food and it was so delicious! The party had a DJ, lots of raffle prizes, and dancing. I love the executive team wives, they are a blast to hang out with and it was nice meeting new colleagues too.

I mean, you gotta get a pic with this lovable guy!
Christmas Gingerbread Houses

This year I purchased two gingerbread houses so there would be zero arguing on how it’s to be decorated.

They both did a nice job decorating, considering I added to much vinegar to the frosting and made them stink but hey, it made them not want to eat all the sugar, lol I’ll take it as a Mom WIN š
Dana Point Lights

We were supposed to go see the lights down by the harbor this past Saturday but I should have known that would be the worst time to go. SOOOOO many people and NO parking available. After 20 minutes of driving around we scratched that plan, grabbed some in n out and headed home to watch a Christmas movie called Alien Xmas, it was pretty cute actually.

We rescheduled the Dana Point Harbor plans and went on Wednesday night, much better!! Do not go on a weekend night unless you love to hear little people complain in the car and have a strong desire for everyones mood to turn RED! Ha!

The mama and baby whale, love it!!

After the fact, “Jason, why didn’t you kiss me under this sign??”, “well, why didn’t you kiss me?!?!” Probably because public PDA isn’t our thing, lol!

We got hot chocolate and Luke of course requested ice cream even though it was 50 degrees out.

The pictures look like everyone was happy but I kid you not, Tyler was complaining almost the entire time that his back hurt and that it’s Luke’s fault for pulling him weird on our neighbors trampoline. Oy vey!!

We like to use the parent tool called redirecting when one of our kids gets hyper focussed and determined to spoil the outing. Luckily, a car alarm wouldn’t stop going off and made the near by sea lions very disturbed. They made all these funny noises like they were yelling about it, so redirection was a success and we left happy, lol! #momlife

Dana Point did a great job, the lights were beautiful!

Love these boys!! I mean can you stay angry when you are surrounded by Christmas cheer!?!?!

Sunday plans got cancelled too, womp womp!

Last weekend wasn’t a favorite, ha! We had plans to have our friends over and were smoking meat for them but Jason had a huge work issue that started on Saturday night and well they are still dealing with it. However, we still needed to cook the meat. I think it was Jason’s best smoked ribs to date. #lifedoesntalwaysgoasplanned
Elfis Happenings

In honor of Luke’s basketball game last Friday night, Elfis got inspired to play some basketball of his own.

Naughty Elfis, went into our pantry and got into the Christmas m&m’s!! I don’t blame him, I was having a hard time not getting into them too!

Elfis wanted to be right in the action of any cooking happening…

Elfis had some issues with the Christmas ribbon. He wrapped the boys Christmas pj’s to wear at their xmas pj’s party at school and well he had an altercation with the ribbon, lol!

My boys headed to school in their pajamas’s. After looking at this picture later, I realized even though I told them several times the red bag is for Tyler’s teacher, they are on track to giving the wrong present to their teacher, Oy Vey!!
My FAVORITES from the week

Mama elf has been working hard on wrapping all of the Christmas gifts. Seeing them under the tree is a FAVORITE!

Every year I order our Christmas card picture to be put onto an ornament from Shutterfly and add the year, it’s a FAVORITE!
Speaking of Christmas cards, this stuff is the best! No more licking each envelope!!! It goes on nice and seals the envelope with zero mess, it’s a MUST HAVE when assembling your xmas cards.

Luke and football is a FAVORITE! Well one thing is for sure, Luke is now VERY into NFL football. I mean he knows so many facts about the players even down to their number. He watches the games and football highlights on youtube and he’s always checking his fantasy football team. Last night, we watched the Chargers game together, sadly they lost. “Mom, this weekend can you sit down with me while I go over my fantasy team with you?” “Sure, bud!” Love how passionate he is about sports!

We don’t have Tyler completely figured out yet but he has been consistently into helping in the kitchen. Here he is cutting up onions, yes onions, I told him they can make his eyes cry but he wasn’t bothered by that fact. My mini chef is a FAVORITE and I appreciate his help!
Posts from this week:
Recap of Fall Break in Florida!
Thanksgiving in Florida!
Weekend Plans
We have a fun weekend lined up and hopefully it goes better than last weekend! Today, I’m taking my boys to go see Santa with my parents. Tonight we’re getting together with my extended family and headed to Newport Beach to my Aunt Diane’s home to watch the boat parade, it’s a tradition that we all enjoy! Then, on Saturday our besties, Megan, Cole and Hendrix are coming over for our annual holiday sleepover! We’ll be sipping on Hot Toddy’s while Jason cooks his first Paella solo style. The rest of us will be baking and decorating xmas cookies. Can’t wait!
I plan on being back here next week BUT we’ll see how it goes with the boys being home on winter break. I do want to soak up this time with them. I’ve been working like a crazy person to get “all the things” done so I can relax and enjoy the rest of the season. We also are headed to Utah after Christmas to join Jason’s family through the New Year, so I’ll be preparing for our trip too.
I hope you’re getting through this season with out loosing your mind, Ha and are enjoying the small moments with your family! Thanks for reading along today!
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