The key to organizing your kitchen drawers is to first think about functionality. Which drawer is best for cooking utensils? Probably the one closest to where you prep food and/or near the stove. Ask yourself, where should my silverware drawer be and which drawer should be my “junk drawer”, etc.?

After you make that commitment…start separating all the items into categories:
- Gadgets
- Spatulas
- Wooden Spoons
- Measuring Spoons & cups
- Cooking utensils
- Baking supplies
Next, you should take everything out of the drawer and completely wipe it out so you can start with a clean slate.
Think about:
- What items you want in each drawer
- How would you like them displayed
- Do you already have some organizers? If not, take the dimensions of each drawer & figure out the material of the container you would like to use.
Side note: I already had some organizers so I added to what I have which is a mix of clear plastic, white & grey plastic and wire mesh. I think it looks cleanest if you only use one type of container per drawer and not mix materials. There are some nice wood ones out there too. I will link up my pictures to the ones I used to help you out.
Here are a few before and after pictures:
Before (Yikes!!) After (Ah, much better)
Before After
Before After

Organizing can be a tremendous time-saver, especially in the kitchen. When you are a busy mom trying to get dinner on the table quickly, it helps when every item has a home and you know where you can find it in a hurry!
In case you missed it, you might be interested in seeing my post on how to Organize: Kitchen Pantry. Lots of great ideas and resources you don’t want to miss out on.
Finally, I wanted to provide you with some other great suggestions for kitchen organizers.

Whenever you have pockets of time plan cleaning out & organizing projects to help your home be in order. Christmas break, Spring break, and Summer are great times to tackle these projects. As always reach out to me if you have any questions.
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