The most important thing to me is that my boys feel loved by me each and everyday.

Our wedding day, July 12, 2008!
In case you missed it, last month we discussed Let’s Look at your coffee bar area.

Let’s talk about Love Language!
In honor of February being the month to express love, this is a perfect topic for this month of love!

You may already have an idea what your love language is but to be sure it’s good to take a Love Language Quiz. I took two different quizzes,
Let’s first look at what are the 5 different Love Languages:

You can read all about the different types of love languages HERE.
Luke’s love language is acts of service
When I do things for Luke to show him he’s loved, I can tell it speaks to his heart. These acts of service can range from me helping him get organized, helping him with homework, and he tells me how he loves the lunches I make for him for school with love notes in them. It’s funny he’ll drop hints of things I could do that would make him happy. For instance, writing the boys a daily note on our refrigerator meal planner in the note section. Luke feels loved when he sees action behind your love.

Tyler’s love language is Quality Time
When you spend one on one time with Tyler or Family time all together, he lights up inside. Tyler likes to discuss what we are going to do together the following day. I can tell he feels loved when he knows what is on the agenda for time spent together. I make sure to spend some quality time together each day and then on days like Thursday’s when I have more free time, I make it a priority to spend extra time with him and I let him choose what he’d like to do. Family fun nights and eating dinner as a family are very important to him. Investing in quality time together speaks love to my lil man.

I personally think it’s so important to know not only what your love language is but what speaks love to the people in your life. What could be life giving to you, may not be what your partner or kids need to feel loved.

It’s funny if you would have asked me what my love language was prior to taking both of the above tests, I would have told you at different times I could fall under any of the categories, HA! I consider myself to be loving and I love expressing my love to loved ones in a variety of ways. But it’s still best to figure out the number one way that speaks to your heart to know what fills up your love tank the best.
My Results
After taking the first test my results stated that my love language is Words of Affirmation. Then, after taking the second test, my results were Physical Touch. I would say both of these languages speak volumes to me in how I feel the most loved. I do feel like the tests were accurate in determining the best way I receive love.
Jason’s Results
That’s right my friends, I had Jason take the tests too and he was thrilled about it, lol. But he did humor me and take them. Now before taking the tests he thought his love language was Quality Time. But his results were actually, Words of Affirmation.
So, we are lucky in that we are similar in how we receive love best. This does make it easier to express love in a language that already speaks loudly to us as individuals. I think I will have my boys take the tests when they are a little older when they know more about what they want and need. But you can definitely have your kids take the tests now to make sure you are filling their love tank correctly.

I consider myself a lover, lol I love to express and show my love for others and it’s definitely something I tend to on a daily basis. There are many ways I do this, from the obvious one in telling all my boys I love them, but I also say why I love them and what I love most about them. I put love notes in their lunchboxes, I do things for them that I know they will enjoy & appreciate, and I plan time together weekly where we hang out with just us as a family. I’m a huge gift-giver in showing my love & appreciation too. I enjoy writing in birthday cards how I’m thankful for the person and express how I feel about them. These are just a few ways I let my family and friends know they are truly loved by me.
There are always some lows in all relationships and the important thing is not hang out in them for too long. You notice it happening, then it’s time to take action and change things up a bit. I do think it’s important in a marriage to always be dating each other. You don’t want to become complacent and neglect putting effort into your significant other. I’m thankful Jason and I take the time to express our love and appreciation for each other. If I’m ever feeling disconnected it is usually because it’s time for a date night or we are needing to schedule more time together. This past year has not been kind in going on lots of dates, so we’ve tried to change things up on Friday and Saturday nights to have fun with each other. We have a date night scheduled for the 18th and I can’t wait for it!
Here are the topics to look forward to for the rest of the year!

I hope you guys have fun checking out what you and your family members love language is…be sure to express how they receive love best as often as you can.
Happy Love month, friends!
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