Mom with a Plan

Friday Favorites!

It’s FRI-YAY!!!!

Hi friends, hope your week went well. Can you believe we are already half way through September?!?! I’m starting to think about decorating for the fall and about all things PUMPKIN! It’s still hot here like it is in many places so I find it hard to just dive into thinking about sweaters, hot soup and Halloween. But I’m getting there…I started with changing out my front door wreath’s and mats outside…that’s always a good place to start, I think 🙂

Today of course I have a delicious protein shake recipe for you, before and after pics of our new painted home, a new favorite cocktail mixer, my new favorite trader joe’s healthy drink, recaps of fun moments from this past week + MORE!

Let’s start with this yummy and nutritious protein shake….

Frozen Mocha Protein Shake

Who doesn’t like some coffee and chocolate flavor in their shakes to get you feeling energized and ready to tackle your day?!?! Here’s what you’ll need:


**Original recipe from Faster Way To Fat Loss **

New FAVORITE Cocktail Mixer

I received this as a hostess gift and I loved it! It comes in several flavors and I think it’s a perfect hostess gift. I mixed it with a little vodka and it was delicious!

FAVORITE drink to Boost your Immune System! Suja Organic Drink

You can find this bad boy at Trader Joe’s. My sister-in-law showed it to me and it’s great for your immune system so i’ll take the boost in the Fall.

FAVORITE moments from this past week

Exterior painting completed of our home-Before & After Pictures!





Our Courtyard “After”

Getting the exterior of our home painted was a HUGE FAVORITE for Jason and I. The project took 10 days and we are so happy to have this home project completed!

Weekend Sports Games

Friday Night Lights was a FAVORITE!

Luke had his first flag football game of the season and he played AWESOME! Luke scored a pick 6 touchdown and it was an exciting play. Then he continued to complete every catch that went to him! This game was a FAVORITE for all of us. It’s thrilling to watch your kid play well at a sport, let me tell ya…it makes my heart beat fast, I’m loud and very excitable, lol.

Tyler’s First Soccer Game

Ok, a couple of things, soccer uniforms have not come in yet and I also forgot to grab a picture of Luke playing soccer. But let me tell you about Mr. Ty….this was his first practice and game. He was laser focussed, followed directions well, listened to his coach and played his heart out. We are SO proud of you Tyler, it’s going to be a great season!

Fun with my boys!

This past weekend was a HOT one, which meant lots of water fun…AND an Ice Cream date with my boys was in order and it was a FAVORITE!

Tyler asking for cleaning projects was a FAVORITE! Is he my kid or what?!?!

He wiped down our stair railings and has vacuumed for me this week. I appreciate and love his cleaning efforts, it makes me very proud!

Mommy and Me Time

I’m trying to be intentional with taking my boys on dates and grabbing moments to hang out with them. Life seems to be moving fast and they are playing with friends often and are busy with sports and school. When it works out I enjoy my one-on-one time with each of them.

I gotta say, I love playing with Kinetic sand too! As Luke would say, it’s very satisfying!

Mr. Skeleton showed up and was ready to be displayed for Halloween but having fun with him first was in order…

The boys playing dress up was a FAVORITE!

FAVORITE quotes from this week…

I do this all the time, lol!

Does this sound like your mommy brain?!?!

This is both my boys, lol!

It case you missed my pasts from this week…

Family Vacation-Part 3: The Great Wolf Lodge

Father’s Day Recap

(yup…uber late, still updating the blog from the past few months, lol I include a letter to Jason on his greatness as a Dad :))

Luke is 10!

Luke’s 10th Game Truck & Pool Birthday Party

Weekend Plans

This weekend the temperature drops some so we will be heating our pool so we can still enjoy it. Friday is a bye week for Luke’s football game so we will be grabbing pizza and enjoying family fun night together. Saturday we have an early morning soccer game for Tyler and then an afternoon soccer game for Luke. Jason has the BIG Florida gator game against Alabama! Saturday night we got a sitter for the kids and we have a double date night with our friends Andreea and Sebastian. We’re going to Habana restaurant at the Irvine Spectrum and we’re so looking forward to some adult time out!!

Sunday we will be relaxing as a family, playing games, reading and I hope to tackle the project of updating some pictures upstairs in Luke’s bedroom and for our hallway picture collage. It’s so loooooong over due!! I’m putting it out here so I follow through with this dreaded task.

Have a great weekend friends, hope you are able to relax and enjoy yourself. See you here next week.


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