Mom with a Plan

Friday Favorites!

Summer, Summertime…can you hear the song?!?! I hope you all are enjoying the summer break with your kiddos!

I have a random list of Fave’s for you this bright beautiful Friday, including a recipe, new kid game, new FAVE beverages, plus more!

Peanut Butter Overnight Oats with Banana


Peanut butter and chocolate go so well together, which makes this recipe a new FAVORITE of mine. Enjoy!

In a mason jar, mix these ingredients together:


**Original recipe is from Faster Way to Fat Loss**

Fun New Kid Game: 5 Second Rule Jr.

A FAVORITE for both Tyler and I was playing this game, 5 Second Rule Jr.! The basis of the game is to name 3 things within 5 seconds. For example, name 3 things you can do outside, 3 things that are sharp, or 3 things that are loud. It stressed Tyler out some in the beginning so I would read the card to him, let him come up with his 3 things and then do the timer and he had to say those three things within 5 seconds. It was a lot of fun!

We have also been learning how to tell time and these books were a FAVORITE for Tyler and I to read together!

The Clock Struck One | What Time Is It, Mr. Crocodile?

New FAVORITE Beverage

New FAVORITE cocktail mixer

I was given this tasty mixer as a hostess gift and I loved it mixed with a little vodka. You can find it HERE.

Beautiful Flowers

Our friends also brought over this flower arrangement for a hostess gift. They are so beautiful and looking at them each morning is a FAVORITE for me, so thoughtful!

Parent Magazine Article

I was asked to answer a few questions on being a mom and it was published in a local magazine. This was a FAVORITE for me!

In case you missed them, here are some recent posts:

Steak Fajitas

Let’s Look: Summer Bucket List

EOY School Celebrations

Amazon Lately

Life Lately

Thanks for reading along today friends! I hope you have a wonderful Father’s Day weekend and enjoy spoiling the hard working fun dad’s in your life! See you back here next week!


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