Mom with a Plan

Friday Favorites!
October 2, 2020

We are now in October….WOW!! I can’t believe it, it’s going to be Christmas in no time, LOL!!

We had a full week and we are still adjusting to getting used to our new school routines. Luke was in the afternoon cohort for school so getting ready and out the door by 7:30am was definitely an adjustment for all of us.

As for this weekend, we are excited for some fun in the sun and can’t wait to spend time with two of our good friends, Jorge and Chris! These are buddies that Jason has known since he was little. And my boys adore them!

Alright, let’s get down to my FAVORITES for the week….

The weather has been fluctuating but still having afternoons to enjoy our pool is a FAVORITE! Zane on the far right is moving near us soon and we are SO excited to have another one of Luke’s best friends be walking distance from us.
The jumping in the air shot, is always FUN!
Graham, Luke’s bestie drew this picture of the three of them and it is for sure a FAVORITE! The details of them are very accurate down to Luke’s hair sticking up in the back and wearing a shirt that he does own. This picture makes me HAPPY!

A FAVORITE of the week for me was when I received our new festive doormats!

Hello Mat / Plaid Rug
Now I need to get some pumpkins to complete our front door decor.
Watching Tyler enjoy salad is a big WIN in my book! Luke eats peas a LOT and Tyler doesn’t love basic veggies so seeing that he is interested in salad is a big relief to me!

Tyler’s passion for food also translates into wanting to color it too.

“Dad, I want to color some food please” “then I want to cut it out and use a magic wand to make it food for my kitchen” this kid has a great imagination and Jay did his best to make his vision come true without a magic wand, LOL!
We cut out the food afterwards and he sorted it into his kitchen.
Luke isn’t interested in coloring much lately but decided he wanted to join in on the coloring fun. He cut his character out and pinned it to his new metal hanging grid in his bedroom.
There it is looking good in his new desk area 🙂

Like I mentioned earlier the weather is still very HOT in California so we are continuing to get a lot of use out of our pool. Which means more time to work with Tyler on his swimming skills. He is doing awesome and nothing makes me more proud and happy then to get this guy water safe!

I made us Chicken Parm Zucchini Boats and Luke loved them! This is a definite FAVORITE of the week! Luke is a very picky eater and in this last year he is doing SO much better at being open to trying new foods. I mean I took him to a food specialist when he was younger, his food eating issues were so bad. He is very sensitive to texture also so I take this as a HUGE win.

I’m happy my boys are getting more into coloring! So we took the opportunity to have them color while we watched the crazy Presidental debate, LOL!

Recently, Tyler has improved so much at coloring, he now stays in the lines and is shading in in the same direction. More and more I’m thinking he is going to be ready for Kindergarten.

On Thursday, Luke had his first back to school day in-person! He was pretty nervous about it but he had a great day and said it was fun to be back with his friends!

He had to bring all his books, laptop, mouse, headphones, charger, workbooks, two water bottles because the drinking fountains are turned off and it was a LOT for him to handle. So, he decided he needed a rolling backback 🙂

Yumbox Lunch Container / Lunch Box Tote

Thankfully he had his best friend, Graham to help him with his books! It’s nice to have a helpful friend that has your back!
They got their masks on and are ready to conquer the day!!

Thanks for following along and have a great weekend Friends! See you here next week!

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