Mom with a Plan

Friday Favorites!
August 7, 2020

Today we are leaving on our family road trip vacation to Lake Tahoe! We couldn’t be more excited for a welcome change of scenery. I gotta say tho that it feels odd to be leaving our safe bubble at home. We are set to stay in a nice Airbnb with my parents and I can’t wait to show my boys beautiful Tahoe and explore nature and make some memories.

This week we had a few favorites and on Tuesday, August 4th Luke received his Holy First Communion! He has been taking courses for two years and has worked hard on his faith and I couldn’t be more proud! These pictures turned out great and you wouldn’t have known we were struggling beforehand at home. Luke got a swimmer’s ear infection this week. He has been in a lot of pain and we have to put antibiotic drops in his ear 4 times a day. He is a trooper and pulled it together for this special day.

The book Luke is holding was mine as a little girl and my Mom gifted it to Luke. The Rosary was my Grandma Marge’s (my mom’s mom) and is from Rome.
I love getting Christmas ornaments made to represent important milestones.

Another FAVORITE this week was trying out a new haircut place called Stew’s Barber Shop and finally getting my boys a decent haircut. Their usual place has never reopened and the last place I took them was a bad experience so we were all SO happy to find a good one!

Afterward, we zipped by Dick’s Sporting Goods and we couldn’t be happier to go into a store altogether! Luke is not a fan of shopping but its a first since March and we were so happy to be doing a normal errand! Luke needed new shoes and his feet are difficult like mine and I prefer to have him try on shoes before purchasing. We decided he needed some new sunglasses too before our upcoming vacations.

New haircut (he likes it long on top), new shoes and new shades!

On this past Saturday, I got my hair done and that is always a FAVORITE!

While I was getting my hair done…my boys and Luke’s friend Graham enjoyed the outdoors and went on a bike ride with Jason. They went to some nearby parks but they are still closed for use so they threw around a football and got some exercise.

Followed by some pool time and ice cream cones!

Tyler doesn’t nap often but I caught this cute picture on a slow afternoon and it was a FAVORITE!

This past weekend we had the Stutz family over for some pool fun and being with our best friends is a FAVORITE!

Jason making our pool a wave pool….the boys LOVE it!
Hendrix loved the ginormous Dino float!
Boys were screaming and having fun….sometimes you just need to be LOUD! I fully understand this as I’m a loud person too, LOL!

The boys were into catching Rolly Pollys. Watching them take care of one and make an eating home for it was a FAVORITE!

Not to worry, we did end up letting the Rolly Polly go!

Have a great weekend, friends!

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