Mom with a Plan

What’s Up Wednesday!

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I’m so excited to link up with Sheaffer & Shay! This is where I will tell you about a variety of things about what we are up to, what we are cooking, what we are looking forward to, etc. It is a post that will come out on the last Wednesday of each month. I hope you enjoy it!

1// What We’re Eating This Week:

Cajun Shrimp Pasta

Potato and Cauliflower Soup

2// What I’m Reminiscing About:

My baby, Tyler just turned 5 years old!! I’ve been reminiscing about him when he was a baby. The baby shop is closed but I can’t help at times think back to when they were babies and be sad that this phase is over. They truly grow so fast and you blink and they are a big 5 year old.

Tyler’s birth announcement!

I love this picture from our newborn photoshoot.

My FAVORITE newborn picture of my boys!

Ohh how I miss the chest snuggles…Mama’s enjoy them while they last.

Sorry…almost done, told you I’ve been reminiscing 🙂

This was the picture we used for Tyler’s baptism invitation.

I just LOVE this happy baby face!

Sometimes, I want time to stand still and my boys to stay young and little but then when I’m watching my little people grow into being awesome human beings, I also love getting to know them on a deeper level too as they get older. It’s bittersweet going through motherhood.

3// What I’m Loving:

I’m loving doing the Faster Way To Fat Loss program! I’ve completed the first 6-week program and I’m loving seeing the results. I feel stronger & healthier and I’ve lost 10″ so far. I’m now in the VIP group and it’s another 6-weeks. They change up the workouts and their menu plans every week. Last week we did a Smoothie Recharge to give our bodies all the micronutrients that our bodies need in the wintertime. The smoothies gave me so much energy and helped carry me through the busy week. If you haven’t heard of FWTFL lifestyle program, I highly recommend it and you should go check it out!

4// What We’ve Been Up To:

Celebrating Tyler’s 5th birthday, you can read about it HERE.

Celebrating Valentine’s Day! You can see the recap HERE.

Enjoying lots of family time together!

Jason and I had our first dinner date out together in a year and it was glorious! A date night was long over due and we needed this alone time out together. Can I get all the praise hands!!

5// What I’m Dreading:

Nothing at the moment! We are taking one day at a time right now. Doing our best to keep our kids happy and thriving. And I’m optimistic that everyone will get vaccinated soon and hopeful life will be on it’s way back to being more normal by summertime!

6// What I’m Working On:

I always have so many things that I want to be working on. As far as our house Tyler needs a larger bed so I’m working on finding a new bed, end table and dresser for Luke and then Tyler will get Luke’s bedroom furniture. We are also in great need of painting the exterior of our home. So, I’m working on paint combinations of what will look best. I’m always working on my blog and I’m thinking about getting some outsourced help with a few things that aren’t my speciality. We’re also working on where we want to go this summer as a family. For a Summer vacation…we are thinking a road trip to go see some states that we haven’t been to before.

Here’s a picture of our home, any thoughts on combinations of colors that go with a Spanish red tile roof??

7// What I’m Excited About:

Luke starting back up on a sports team next month. It’s been a year since he’s been playing any group sport and it’s probably been the same for most of you too. And to say we’ve all missed it is an understatement. He’s starting basketball and we are SO pumped and EXCITED!!

8// What Else Is New?

Tyler has become a Lego master!! He’s almost finished with all the lego sets he received for his birthday. His focus is impressive and he needs very minimal help which is awesome. So proud of our little builder!

For Valentine’s Day I gifted Jason The Adventure Challenge! This past year I think we can all say one area we have lacked in is going on dates with our spouse. I went looking for fun ideas and came across this book. They have an Adventure Challenge book for families to do together too.

Online they don’t give much away as to what the dates will be. Above the silver box it tells you how long the date will be, how much money and the best time of the day or night to take it. When you are ready to go on the date you scratch off the silver box and find out what you’ll be doing. I purchased the polaroid camera too and you take a picture while on the date and add it to the book. Then there are a few lines below to write something. I love that it keeps the spontaneity going in your love life. The Adventure Challenge’s received great reviews and people said that the dates brought out the playful side of them as a couple as well as the romance. We can’t wait to start our dating adventures and have fun together. Definitely, go check it out if you are looking for new exciting ways to date your significant other.

9// What I’m Watching / Reading:

Jason and I have been watching the Imposters and are half way through the second season. We’re enjoying it!

I’ve started listening to Atomic Habits. I’ve heard great things about it and I’m trying to make some new habits last so I thought a good read to make sure my mindset was right would help me achieve good habits and be consistent.

10// What I’m Listening To:

Besides Atomic Habits, I’ve been catching up on the podcast that I enjoy called, Marriage & Marinis. I’m currently listening to the dryer going on a Monday afternoon while I write this post and while both of my boys are in school and it’s glorious!!

11// What I’m Wearing:

I just purchased these Zella Joggers and am loving them!

I also was in need of some new hoop earrings and I love these Madewell chunky hoops, I have them in gold too.

12// What I’m Doing This Weekend:

We don’t have any social plans this weekend, which I’m happy about because we had a lot going on last week and weekend. My husband is in need of new jeans & pants and Luke needs new shoes so we are going to the mall….for the first time in a year. Jeans and shoes are items that’s best to try on in person. Then on Sunday we plan on going on a family bike ride to get out of the house and enjoy some fresh air.

13// What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month:

Next month we don’t have too much going on but we do have a few things I’m looking forward to. Luke starts basketball at the end of the month, like I mentioned earlier, so we are totally looking forward to having team sports happening again. It’s my dad’s birthday, which is kinda bittersweet. I don’t like that he’s getting older, he’s turning 78 but I always enjoy a fun family celebration. And the last thing I’m looking forward to is Day light savings, lol. I love that we will have more sunlight for longer hours in the day…wish it could remain like this year round.

Thanks for reading along with my post today, hope you enjoyed this monthly post series. I definitely enjoy writing it and reading others WUW posts too. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post on A Day in The Life with Us! Have a great rest of the week and come hang out with me on my stories in instagram @momwithaplan_.


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