Mom with a Plan

Weekend Rewind:
Easter 2020

We had a fun filled Easter weekend celebrating with just the 4 of us! We started off the weekend by having Family Fun Night! We watched the movie, Cheaper By The Dozen followed by having a dance party together.

Easter 2020

I purchase an LED Party Light to step up our dance party. The boys loved it and we all had a great time.

Saturday morning we kicked off the holiday weekend by getting in a festive mood and dying eggs!

Look Mom, my finger changes color when I stick it into the cup, lol

It finally wasn’t raining so we were able to enjoy our pool.

Jumping into the weekend!!
Love my sweet boys!
Enjoying ice cream cones after a nice swim!

We told the boys not to wake us up until 8am…they were right on time with the wake up call! We went through Easter Baskets first….

The Easter Bunny got the memo that we needed more activities to help keep our boys happy and occupied!

How the Crayons Saved the Rainbow, you can find it HERE
Mixing learning with Tyler’s passion for food, you can find the Learning Resources, 1 to 10 Counting Cans, HERE
New games to add to our collection, you can find the LCR game, HERE and the Pizza Party game, HERE
You can find the Duck & Goose book, HERE and the Mr.Sketch scented markers, HERE

After Easter baskets the boys went on an Egg hunt inside the house instead of outside because it was raining in the morning. We have a smart Easter Bunny, he put a T on the eggs for Tyler and an L on the eggs for Luke so there would be no arguments over finding the Easter eggs.

Each of them had to find the golden egg, they were excited to get a $5 bill!

We enjoyed a yummy pancake and bacon breakfast! We made pancakes with our favorite mix, LEHI Pride Pancake Mix, you can find it HERE.

They are SO good!!
We love mini pancakes and this pan makes it SO easy! You can find it HERE.

After breakfast we watched our church’s LIVE Mass streamed onto our TV. It was so good to be in His word and have the boys listen to the true meaning of Easter.

It wasn’t the full band but the singing was beautiful and we loved it!

We got dressed and ready in our Sunday best to enjoy the rest of the day. We set up our tri-pod and it made this Mama happy by marking the holiday with some family pictures.

Love my handsome boys and it makes my heart happy to still have them in matching shirts. Thankful they still don’t fight me on this holiday tradition.
Thankful to have this man by my side as we are stuck at home all together. It’s a good reminder that we can get through anything as a team!

We spent the rest of the morning exploring and playing with the Easter Bunny gifts!

The Learning Resources, Mini Motor Math game, can be found HERE
Luke received a new drone, it can be found HERE

We had zoom calls with all our Gimeno family in Florida after lunch. Then we zoom’d with our Newhall families after dinner. It was so good seeing all of our family even if it was from the computer. Thankful we have this option during these social distancing times.

We enjoyed a nice family meal, Sausage and Ground Beef Ziti and Green Beans. I didn’t do a traditional Easter meal with ham or lamb because my boys wouldn’t eat it, so I kept it simple with a meal we would all enjoy.

Family Dinner!
After saying an Easter prayer and going around the table saying what we are thankful for we read off family questions from our table topic can. This dinner activity is a favorite of ours and makes for good conversations, you can find a similar one HERE

Happy Easter, Friends! I hope you all enjoyed the holiday and were able to celebrate with your families. With having extra time at home it was easier for us to reflect on the true meaning of Easter. During these strange times it’s a good reminder that He suffered and sacrificed for us and we can do the same for each other now to keep mankind safe and healthy!

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