Mom with a Plan

Life Lately

Life Lately has been full of lots of fun happenings for the Gimeno Family including wrapping up sports season, a Mother’s Day Event at Preschool, and special moments in between.

Family walks after dinner

We started taking lots of family walks when the pandemic started. We wanted to make sure we were getting outside and having plenty of fresh air. Lately, Tyler has been asking to go on walks after dinner to practice riding his bike more and we were happy to start this up again.

He’s got plenty of motivation to improve his bike riding skills. All the neighborhood friends go around on their bikes and he wants to join in on the fun without mom having to be there. He is getting better everyday!

Jason and I enjoy this time to chat after the long day. It’s for sure an activity we all enjoy doing together.

Basketball – The Nuggets

Their coach was awesome this season. He really brought out the best in everyone, they gained a better understanding of the game and skills were improved on. They didn’t win but they lost by only 1 point, literally in the last second. It was an intense game and if you were there you probably heard my voice, lol

We’re so proud of you, Luke! We loved watching you play your heart out!!

Flag Football – The Chief’s

The chief’s played hard and they won their final game for flag football and are headed to the playoffs! Luke scored a touchdown and to see your kid play well is an amazing feeling.

Mother’s Day Event & Preschool Tour

Tyler was SOOOOO excited to have this mommy & me time at his preschool! I was pretty pumped as well because usually we get to see the classroom at drop off and pick up and of course that wasn’t the case this past year. We don’t get out of our cars, we stay in a carpool line, so we have been neglected from seeing all the fun that happens in the classroom. But on this day, we got to see all the hard work and creativity that goes on in his class and I LOVED it!

We made bath salts together and decorated the container.

We took a tour of his classroom. It was done so well, each station was labeled and we got to see our child’s work and there were questions for us to ask about what they did or learned.

How do flowers grow?

All about Butterfly’s and their transformation

All about Mommy!

Rainbows and water painting

Tyler and a few friends put on a sweet puppet show for us.

There were other stations too. This one they learned about space and the planets

Ok, I’d like you to meet Macy! Tyler’s first crush and the feelings are definitely mutual. His preschool is for 3-5 year olds and Macy is 3 and Tyler is the older man of the relationship, he’s 5. They are so smitten with each other. Tyler put his arm around her for the picture and her expression in this picture totally captured how she felt, she lit up like a light bulb!! It was so nice to finally meet some of the moms of the kids that Tyler speaks of often. We’re going to have Macy over this summer for a pool date and he asks me about it everyday, lol Young love, it’s so sweet and cute!

We watched them play on the play ground and they had fun showing us the games they play. His teacher told me how Tyler and Macy sit together and have snack and how if one of them is upset the other will ALWAYS go comfort them. This makes me so happy, such kindness!

A BIG thankful to Mrs. Annemarie and Mrs. Cecelia for running the best preschool program, I’m already crying, we are going to miss everything about it next year. But at least Tyler will be doing a summer camp with them and we will visit next year.

More Favorite Moments from this past week

Tyler is my favorite sidekick for running errands. He doesn’t complain, he’s helpful and he loves having alone time with me, as do I. He knew we were going to Costco this week and days before he started asking me for a Costco hotdog. They are so good and cheap!! He ate pretty much the entire thing, he must be growing because they are not small at all.

Spring Coloring

Tyler loves to color and and it’s perfect because my blogging friend @lifefullofmoments has free printables each month and they are themed. Tyler likes when I tape up his latest masterpieces to our window in the kitchen.

Thanks for following along today! I hope you’re having a great day. I’ll see you back here tomorrow with Friday Favorites!


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