Mom with a Plan

Life Lately…

I feel like we have hit a good groove right now. We have adjusted to the sports schedule and we’re ready to power through this next month until summer begins.

Life lately has been good, we feel energized after getting a break and being on vacation. It felt so good to travel and to just go somewhere…Cabo was beautiful! I’m happy and thankful we are in a better spot then last year with the pandemic. Making fun plans is so important for our well being and happiness. I hope you are all making some fun plans for this summer!

We’re starting to plan out our 10 weeks of summer and it has me sooooo excited! I’ll share soon once we get them nailed down.

Let’s take a look at what we’ve been up too…

Fun Afternoon!

Before our Cabo trip I went to get a mani/pedi. You guys I haven’t done this in like 2 years, no joke!! I paint and do my own mani/pedi’s and I decided it was time to enjoy going to get them done.

I love the fun color I chose…painted nails are one of those things that brings me joy. I feel like, hey, at least my nails are painted on those off days, lol I have my moms feet and exact nails…very tiny and delicate HAHA.

While I was getting pampered, my mom watched Tyler. These pictures are so my mom…

NO ONE is more patriotic and loves her country more than my mom. She’s on a mission to teach all of her grandsons our country’s history and to share her love of the USA with her family.

Literally, I walked through the door and she had on a patriotic song playing very LOUD and had Tyler marching around waving our flag. He happily did what ever Grandma L wanted him to do and he loved all the attention. She even had an arts and craft project for him to do too. My mom was a passionate Kindergarten teacher and my boys are lucky to have such a fun Grandma!

Luke’s Sports

It’s so cute before his games lately, Luke says, “mom do you get the butterflies like I do before games?” He gets pretty nervous and just wants to do so well. Each year I see Luke’s confidence go up as he gets more coordinated and understands the game better.


We’re loving watching him start to just GO FOR IT! Luke’s personality is to be very cautious. And if you’ve been to little kids games, you know how aggressive and physical they can be which in the past has had Luke nervous. He practices a lot and it’s definitely starting to show. We are so proud of him!

Flag Football

The Chief’s are having a great season! We’re enjoying seeing so much improvement from last year. Luke LOVES football and he tries his best at whatever position his coach Christian puts him in.

The Chief’s WON!! It was a moment for sure, it was a close game and was very exciting to watch. Below, Luke is with his buddy Wyatt. Wyatt was for sure the MVP of the game. The last touchdown I swear he ran 50 yards and was so determined to get that winning touchdown and he did it! What a proud moment for his school buddy and his parents!

Book Fair

We were very impressed with Luke’s school book fair. It was a dinosaur themed and the PTA went all out to make this drive-through book fair feel special.

There were several stops with these mechanical dinosaurs….it was pretty cool and the boys loved it!

Luke’s new shoes

To all the boy moms out there….how many shoes do your little boys go through in a year??? Luke is on his 3rd pair for this school year!! He plays HARD and he has the shoes to prove it. He loves getting a fresh new pair and no joke in a weeks time these new shoes will already look worn and loved.

New Beds

Luke’s bed was delayed 3 weeks so we’ve been patiently waiting for its arrival so we could finish putting together the boys rooms.

Jason finished putting together the bed and making the bed frame right as the bed was being delivered. I’m thankful for my husband’s assembling capabilities and that he holds certain talents in which I don’t love doing. For the record, I can build and assemble things but I prefer not too. I’m very happy that Jason is willing and capable of such tasks.

The new queen size plush bed set up for the young king of the house. Jason and I turned to each other after we look at the bed and almost in unison say, “spoiled brat”, lol we never had such a nice quality bed when we were younger. But in all honesty we purchased a queen bed for family to use when they visit. We needed another larger bed for when Jason’s parents and his brother and his wife visit at the same time. So this lucky dude gets to benefit from that need.

A larger bed also means new bedding! Luke is in love with his new Fortnite bedding and slept like a king!

Meanwhile, we had to take apart Luke’s old bed and move it into Tyler’s bedroom. Bye bye toddler bed and cue more mommy sad tears!

Awe, look how tiny and happy he looks in his new bed. Tyler is getting a bedroom make over and he chose the theme of construction trucks…post coming out soon with how his new and improved room looks.

May the Fourth Be With You!

Tyler loves his big Yoda stuffed animal and Starwars!

Thanks for reading along today! I hope life is treating you well. See you back here tomorrow with a Friday Favorites post.


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