Mom with a Plan

Life Lately…

Lately life is full of all kinds of goodness and it’s getting more normal each day and for that we are truly thankful!

Our week was full of fun kid activities, my dad’s birthday, and lots of family time!

Fun with Tyler!

This sweet guy always snuggles with me while watching a movie on family fun night and I savor each and every sweet moment with him.

Tyler is getting into doing puzzles and I love seeing him so proud after he completes one.

Creating a beautiful masterpiece at school!

With his preschool buddies, they worked very hard to create this multi-colored tunnel out of plastic cups!

Kid Sports!

Kid sport leagues just opened up in South Orange County and we are so EXCITED! Luke had evaluations for basketball this week and starts practices and games next week. I can’t wait to see him play and watch his love for sports grow.

House Work

Jason has begun the cleaning up of our backyard to get it ready and looking good for pool season. He took out this ugly banana tree that I’ve hated for years. It had a home right next to our jacuzzi and we were so happy to finally say goodbye and just in time for spring to plant something new!

Family Dinner Out!

Another new for us was eating inside a restaurant and it was SO nice. We went to BJ’s and had no one sitting around us, it actually made it feel more intimate and special.

The boys were so excited to order a cheeseburger with bacon! Yum Yum! I enjoyed shrimp tacos and Jason got fish and chips, we all left very satisfied!

Family Turkey Dinner for my Dad’s 78th Birthday!

My Pops turned 78 on Monday and it’s always bittersweet. Happy to celebrate such a special person but wanting to stop time and not have him get any older.

My parents look good wearing retirement. I hope to live my later years by their example. They are VERY social, love meeting new people, host parties for friends, love to travel, put family first, and they get involved with things they are passionate about. They’re always moving and doing things to stimulate their brain and I think that’s the secret to living a long life. They are anything but lazy and they know how to have the best time. I love them so much!

My mom is so good and thoughtful at setting a nice table, I learned from the best!

It’s so cute, I remember a lot of these items from my childhood and her decor is very nostolgic for me.

Turkey Dinner is Ready!!

We’re very lucky to enjoy this meal a few times a year because my Dad loves making it! Which works out great because it’s one of Jason’s favorite meals.

Ohh and that’s homemade stuffing my friends, it came right out of the cavity of the bird. It’s one of my favorite things, it’s so flavorful when you cook the stuffing inside the turkey.

Brother and Sister!

The boys table

After dinner the boys enjoyed playing some basketball!

Birthday boy requested an Oreo Ice Cream Pie. I almost wasn’t able to get one and pleaded with Baskin Robins that it was for my Dad’s birthday and I was thrilled to make this wish come true!

I hope your birthday wish comes true!

Present time! We are big gift-givers in my family and love to shower you with thoughtful gifts!

Thanks for reading along today! Circle back around tomorrow for my Friday Favorites post! Hope you are having a great day, friends!


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