Mom with a Plan

How I Weekly Meal Plan

Meal Planning saves my life, keeps my stress down and keeps my family happy and well-fed!

I have been meal planning consistently for years now and have made it a habit. I think meal planning has a bad rep with thoughts of: it’s going to take too long, it stresses me out and I don’t have time. You may find yourself thinking these thoughts when deciding if you want to sit down and do this task…I’m here to help you overcome these habit crippling thoughts.

I want to help you become the best meal planner and change your attitude towards this task.

It starts with having a meal-planner.

Have you signed up to be on my email list, yet? If you haven’t you can go HERE and once you sign up you will receive my free printable for meal planning.


I love using this Simple Purposeful Living Meal Planner too. It is really simple, your weekly plan is on the left-hand side and on the right-hand side is your grocery list. The grocery list is seperated into food categories, which makes it easier when shopping. There is a perforated line so you can detach the grocery list to take with you to the store. Here is how a page looks:

Once you have a printable or a planner to use, you need to decide when you will meal plan.

Tips for Meal-Planning:

Useful Tools in place for storing your favorite recipes: I don’t know about you but I am printing a lot of recipes these days. If I really like a recipe and want to use it again I put it into my white folder, labeled recipes and it will be filed later into a recipe binder.

Here is what my recipe binders look like:

Here are the food categories I use for my tab dividers:

Sources for Recipes:

Well, this turned into a long post but I wanted to give you lots of tools, tips, and resources to get you started. I will follow up a lot on this topic for that I am very passionate about getting all you Mama’s out there meal-planning and cooking!! Please let me know if you have any questions about meal-planning or ideas of topics with meal-planning that you would like to see from me. I’m here for you through this journey of making meal-planning a habit! You CAN do it!!

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