Mom with a Plan

Mom Hack Monday: Bar Keepers Friend

This is a series where I will be sharing hacks that have helped me. They will range from helping you with your home, cleaning, kids, and self-care. I hope you find them helpful and gain ideas to help you out.

My first hack is a product called: Bar Keepers Friend

Bar Keepers Friend

I received beautiful stainless steel pots and pans for our wedding. I washed them but after a little time, they started to look like this…


My cousin Lindsay Schober told me about this great product, Bar Keepers Friend and I ordered it immediately.

To protect my hands, I first put on some rubber cleaning gloves. If your pans haven’t been cleaned in awhile be ready to use some elbow grease. The directions say to shake well and apply it to a damp sponge and rub it on the surface you are cleaning and rinse after 1 minute of applying it. I had to rub it on the stains a lot longer than a minute and do it multiple times. It worked great and got my pans looking like NEW, woohoo!!

If you clean them after every couple of uses you won’t have to work as hard as I did, lol

Here’s what one pan looked like after cleaning it vs the other dirty pan.

Beautiful and shiny like NEW!!

If your stainless steel pots and pans are looking like mine then I highly recommend this great product to help you out!

I used a Dobie Scotch Brite sponge

This product is also great to use in your kitchen on your stove and sinks and in your bathroom to help you get rid of the rust, lime, stains and tarnish.

Tip for cleaning really dirty Pots:

you can fill the pot with water and 1/4 cup of powdered dishwasher detergent or baking soda. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove from heat and let the pot soak for about an hour. Scrape the pot with a nonabrasive utensil and then wash as usual. Then use the Bar Keepers Friend to polish it up.

I hope you find this hack helpful, happy cleaning!

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