Mom with a Plan

Friday Favorites // March 27, 2020

Happy Friday Friends! Yay, it’s the weekend!! It’s been a strange week for sure but we still have managed to have lots of FAVORITE moments sprinkled in. Let’s get down to it….

1// Chore Charts have been a FAVORITE of mine this week! I purchased these chore charts from Amazon and you can find them HERE. I will be publishing a post on appropriate chores for kids next week. Watching Luke be dedicated and take pride towards his chores has also been a FAVORITE!

Chore Charts
Washing windows for $$$

2// Reading My Daily Stoic every morning has been a FAVORITE! You can find the book HERE. I have been consistent for months now reading the daily entry every morning and reflecting on what I read by documenting my thoughts in a journal. I have become fond of this morning routine and highly recommend this book!

The Daily Stoic

3// Family Fun Night on Friday night was a family FAVORITE! We brought it back old school and showed the boys Willow! There are some action scenes in this movie so err on the side of caution if your kids don’t do well with action/fighting scenes. My boys don’t get nightmares with this kind of content so we just make sure it isn’t too graphic in the fight scenes.

Such a good movie!!
Ice Cream is a FAVORITE!
Kisses from Luke are a FAVORITE!
Snuggling on the couch is a FAVORITE!
Quality Family time is a FAVORITE! We didn’t think about the COVID-19 once during family time…it was a nice escape!

4// Jason fixed our cabana cover and it looks great, this was a FAVORITE for both of us! We need to replace it every 2-3 years depending on how the bad the rain, wind and the sun treat it.

Getting home projects done around the house always makes me happy!

5// Saturday night we had a dance party and played in the dark with flashlights and this is a FAVORITE of our boys!

Tyler loves to make music selections!
We play good guys and bad guys, marco polo and make funny creatures on the walls with the flashlight reflection.

6// Slow afternoons have been a FAVORITE!

Frozen II while enjoying a snack was a FAVORITE!
Extra snuggles are a FAVORITE!

7// Fun at-home activities in the afternoons have been a FAVORITE for all of us!

Doing puzzles has been a FAVORITE! Watching Tyler’s excitement as he finds matching pieces has also been a FAVORITE!
There’s something about seeing the “littles” walk around in our big shoes that makes me happy! This loud megaphone makes Tyler happy but not Mommy…he can change how his voice sounds and it is a FAVORITE of Tyler’s!
We’ve been doing academics in the morning. It’s a lot of work finding print outs each night for the next day and it sure does make you appreciate all the hard work our teachers do for our kids!

8// Cleaning and opening up our pool was a FAVORITE this past weekend! The first swim of the New Year and for Springtime!

I had the best time with my boys in the jacuzzi…good conversations, lots of laughter, games, and playing pretend. It was a FAVORITE of the weekend!
Chocolate mouth after enjoying an ice cream cone is a FAVORITE!

9// Family workout sessions have been a FAVORITE! I tend to work out in the morning, while Jason works out at night after the boys go to sleep. This new routine of working and being home all the time has changed things up and I love it when we get to work out together!

Our serious faces as we get our sweat on!
Tyler learning how to plank!
Tyler reorganizing his outside toys while we work out, lol

10// Luke started virtual learning on Tuesday and seeing his teacher and classmates in their Google Classroom was a fun Favorite for Luke!

11// My parents dropped off a care package of meat, fruits, and treats, so thoughtful of them! I decided it was time to clean out and reorganize our freezer in our garage so I can take inventory of everything we have…making a shelf for just meat was a FAVORITE for me!

All organized…nothing makes this Mama happier!

12// Family walks after dinner has been a FAVORITE for all of us! It’s been good for our souls to just be together outside, all connect and have meaningful conversations. Mother nature has a way of shedding light through the darkness and relaxes the anxiety & worries.

I love this family of mine SO much!

I hope everyone has a fun weekend with their families. I challenge you to do something for yourself this weekend to decompress and relieve some stress. We all need to take care of ourselves, stay healthy, safe and happy. (I write these words to myself too, lol)

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