Mom with a Plan

Friday Favorites!
January 8, 2021

YES, it’s Friday, friends and it feels so good!

It’s been a week for sure….How are you all doing??? It’s not only been back to reality for my boys in returning to school but I’ve started a new program called, Faster Way To Fat Loss! I’m loving it but it’s a LOT of work figuring it all out. It involves intermittent fasting, carb cycling, and tracking your macros in my fitness pal app, and 30 min workouts everyday. I’ve had to get my workout space prepared with the right weights (still working on it, there’s a shortage of weights right now, boo) and I’ve been working hard on getting my pantry stocked with what I need to be successful. Ohh and planning out my meals (3x a day + snacks) and implementing new meal-plans for my family but hey, what’s more important then your health, right?!?! I’ve tried lots of diets in the past when I’ve wanted to reset my body and be healthier but this feels different. I feel like I’m finally learning how to properly fuel and exercise my body and it has me pumped for my 6-week accountability program. If you are interested in learning more about it you can go HERE.

Alright, let’s get to my first Friday Favorites post of the New Year….

A FAVORITE for me was when I received a Nordstrom’s gift card from my in-laws for Christmas. I’ve been wanting a new cross-body purse and this is the one I fell in love with!

I’ve been wanting to down size to a purse that I can run around with easier and this one checked all the boxes.

I mentioned above about the FWTFL program that I’m doing and a new FAVORITE for me is enjoying making more smoothies. I’ve been wanting to get on the smoothie train for awhile and this is the protein powder that my health coach recommended.

I tried a Strawberry Banana Smoothie/Protein Shake and here’s the recipe that I used:

For a while now, I’ve been wanting to switch my pillowcase to a silk one. It’s supposed to be nicer on your hair and better for your face in not causing wrinkles from sleeping…yes, please to both of those benefits. Here’s the one I went with and you can find it HERE.

I’m loving it and it feels so nice on my face when I’m sleeping on my side.

I’m doing the Simplicity Challenge by Emily Ley @simplified for the month of January and it consists of one task a day to help declutter your life and your home. You can follow along with me over on my instagram stories @momwithaplan_ to see how I’m completing each challenge everyday. I would love it if you would tag me in a photo of you completing the challenge too so we can hold each other accountable. Here’s a picture of what the challenges are for the month.

Tyler loves getting homework from his preschool (I wonder how long this love for HW will last, lol) and he’s working really hard on holding pencils/pen/crayons the correct way and learning how to write his name. It’s a FAVORITE of mine to watch him focus and do his best, it makes me one proud mama.

Print out a paper with your child’s name on it and stick it into a sheet protector and have them trace their name with a dry erase marker.

This year for Christmas we had the boys pick out gifts for us and for each other with a $20 limit for the gift. We would guide them through the thinking process of how you determine what gift would be the best choice for the person while staying within a $20 budget. Luke picked out this magnet menu for the refrigerator and it was the perfect gift for his meal-planning mama.

Side note: it’s also perfect for Luke because he is ALWAYS asking me “what’s for dinner”, and now he has a place to easily look and find out for himself. You can find it HERE.

We are working on having less screen time around here…some bad habits have been formed over the past year that we aren’t proud of, so we put in place time limits on their iPads, as well as timers for when they are allowed to be on their iPads. It’s a hard habit to break for the kiddos but we are determined for them to be on electronics less and it’s amazing to see the creativity that comes out of being off the screens.

Luke built this car with a motor and he was SO proud of it!
Now that Tyler has two sets of Magna-tiles he can create larger masterpieces. I was pretty impressed with the mansion that he built. He then played with his little character people and he had a great time with his imagination.

There has been lots of play time with our favorite neighbor friends, Graham & Henry! Have I mentioned lately, how nice it is to have boys that live next door and who are the same ages as my kids??? Huge blessing, especially with all the time we are spending at home these days.

That’s a wrap on my FAVORITES for this week. I hope you all have a great weekend!


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